MOVs Like Jagger - HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022
vulnerability: small embedding degree (allowing MOV attack)

starter ecc - CRYPTO CTF 2022
challenge: find y-coordinate over non-prime field

cookie lover reloaded - HackIM CTF 2022
vulnerability: small k used for signature

Secure Vault - WICSME CTF 2022
vulnerability: small k used for signature

Come on feel the nonce - CTFZone quals 2023
vulnerability: small nonces (relative to curve order)

Blocky Noncense - CSAW 2023
vulnerability: nonces determined by polynomial congruential generator

manykey - IrisCTF 2024
vulnerability: chosen generator and privkey

yaonet - DiceCTF 2024
vulnerability: corrupted OpenSSH key

budget bag - LA CTF 2024
vulnerability: elliptic cusp

Backdoor - IRON CTF 2024
vulnerability: elliptic node

Elliptic - GCC CTF 2024
vulnerability: chosen parameters

vulnerability: nonces related to lcg