It’s a chinese chall sent to me. It got 7 solves.
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime,bytes_to_long
from secret import secret,flag
import random
import time
import os
import signal
def _handle_timeout(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutError('function timeout')
timeout = 300
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout)
random.seed(secret + str(int(time.time())).encode())
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self.p = getPrime(512)
self.q = getPrime(512)
self.e = getPrime(128)
self.n = self.p * self.q
self.phi = (self.p - 1) * (self.q - 1)
self.d = pow(self.e, -1, self.phi)
def get_public_key(self):
return (self.n, self.e)
def get_private_key(self, blind_bit=None, unknown_bit=None):
if blind_bit is not None and unknown_bit is not None:
blind = getPrime(blind_bit)
d_ = ((int(self.d >> unknown_bit) // blind * blind) << unknown_bit) + int(self.d % blind)
return (d_, blind)
return (self.d, 0)
def encrypt(self, m):
if type(m) == bytes:
m = bytes_to_long(m)
elif type(m) == str:
m = bytes_to_long(m.encode())
return pow(m, self.e, self.n)
def game(self,m0,m1,b):
return self.encrypt([m0,m1][b])
rsa = RSA()
token = os.urandom(66)
print( "[+] Welcome to the game!")
print(f"[+] rsa public key: {rsa.get_public_key()}")
coins = 100
price = 100
while coins > 0:
b = random.randint(0,1)
c = rsa.game(
b'bit 0:' + os.urandom(114),
b'bit 1:' + os.urandom(114),
print("[+] c:",c)
guessb = int(input("[-] b:"))
coins -= 1
if guessb == b:
price -= 1
print("[+] correct!")
print("[+] wrong!")
if price != 0:
print("[-] game over!")
blind_bit = 40
unknown_bit = 365
d_,blind = rsa.get_private_key(blind_bit, unknown_bit)
print( "[+] Now, you have permission to access the privkey!")
print(f"[+] privkey is: ({d_},{blind}).")
print(f"[+] encrypt token is: {rsa.encrypt(bytes_to_long(token))}")
guess_token = bytes.fromhex(input("[-] guess token:"))
if guess_token == token:
print("[+] correct token, here is your flag:",flag)
print("[-] wrong token")
My solve script:
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from tqdm import trange
io1 = process(["python", "server.py"])
io2 = process(["python", "server.py"])
c_list = []
def io_func(io1, io2):
public_key = io2.recvuntil(b")\n")
xx = public_key.decode().split()
n = int(xx[-2][1:-1])
e = int(xx[-1][:-1])
for i in range(100):
buf = io1.sendafter(b'[-] b:',b'1\n')
buf_res = io1.recvline()
if(b'correct' in buf_res):
buf = io2.sendafter(b'[-] b:',b'1\n')
buf = io2.sendafter(b'[-] b:',b'0\n')
buf_res = io2.recvline()
return n, e
n, e = io_func(io1, io2)
d_, blind = io2.recv().decode().split()[-1][1:-2].split(",")
d_ = int(d_)
blind = int(blind)
def solve(blind, d_, n, e):
not perfect
assumptions: coppersmith bound will work (i brute small range)
first b bits of d are correct
blind_bit = 40
unknown_bit = 365
b = 615
d_high = int(f'{d_:b}'[:b], 2)
b = len(f'{d_:b}') - b
k = (e*d_high*2**b-1)//n + 1
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(e))
f = (1 + k*(n+1-(x)))
s = int(f.roots()[0][0])
S = n+1 - (e*d_high*2**b-1)//k
D = isqrt(S^2-4*n)
p_high = (S+D)//2
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(e))
f = x^2 - s*x + n
possible_p_mod_e = [int(f.roots()[0][0]), int(f.roots()[1][0])]
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(blind))
d_mod_blind = int(f'{d_:b}'[-40:], 2)
f = x + k*(n*x - x**2 - n + x) - x*e*d_mod_blind
possible_p_mod_blind = [int(f.roots()[0][0]), int(f.roots()[1][0])]
m = int(blind) * int(e)
for p_mod_e in possible_p_mod_e:
for p_mod_blind in possible_p_mod_blind:
p_ = crt([p_mod_e, p_mod_blind], [e, blind])
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
t_high = (p_high-p_)//m
f = (t_high + x)*m + p_
for bound in trange(95, 105):
roots = univariate(f, X=2**(len(f'{t_high:b}')-bound), m=20, beta=0.49)
if roots != []:
p = int(f(roots[0]))
assert is_prime(p) and n%p == 0
return p
p = solve(blind, d_, n, e)
q = n//p
d = pow(e, -1, (p-1)*(q-1))
print(io2.recvuntil(b"encrypt token is: "))
c = int(io2.recvline().decode())
token = pow(c, d, n)
Some explanations:
Part 1 is impossible without opening 2 connections.
For part 2 I followed this paper, but I also had to improvise
and utilise the additional hint of d mod the small prime blind.
1. Solve k through approximation
\[\text{d} \cdot \text{e} = 1 + \text{k}\cdot\text{phi}\] \[\text{k} = \frac{\text{d} \cdot \text{e} - 1}{\text{phi}}\] \[\text{k} \approx \frac{\text{d_high} \cdot \text{e} - 1}{\text{n}}\]Depending on the parameter sizes, you actually get k exactly
2. Solve p_high through approximation
First get an approximation of p+q
\[\text{phi} = (p-1)(q-1) = n-p-q+1 = n+1-(p+q)\] \[p+q = n+1-\text{phi}\] \[p+q = n+1-\frac{\text{d} \cdot \text{e} - 1}{\text{k}}\] \[p+q \approx n+1-\frac{\text{d_high} \cdot \text{e} - 1}{\text{k}}\]Now let s = p+q and consider this equation
\[p^2 - s\cdot p + n = 0\]Solving the quadratic for p with the approximation of p+q gives us
an approximation of p where the high bits are correct.
3. Solve for p+q mod e
\[\text{d} \cdot \text{e} = 1 + \text{k}\cdot\text{phi}\] \[0 \equiv 1 + \text{k}\cdot (n+1-(p+q)) \text{ (mod e)}\]4. Solve for p mod e
Simply reuse this equation, but mod e, and using the value found in step 3
\[p^2 - S\cdot p + n \equiv 0 \text{ (mod e)}\]5. Solve for p mod r
\[p+q = n+1-\frac{\text{d} \cdot \text{e} - 1}{\text{k}}\]multiply by p
\[p^2+p\cdot q = p\cdot n+p-\frac{p\cdot(\text{d} \cdot \text{e} - 1)}{\text{k}}\] \[0 = k \cdot p\cdot n + k \cdot p - p\cdot(\text{d} \cdot \text{e} - 1) - k\cdot p^2 - k \cdot n\]Replace d with h
\[0 \equiv k \cdot p\cdot n + k \cdot p - p\cdot(\text{h} \cdot \text{e} - 1) - k\cdot p^2 - k \cdot n \text{ (mod r)}\]6. Let m = er, we combine p mod e and p mod r to get p mod m
7. Solve p
\[p = \text{p_mod_m} + t\cdot m \ \ \ \ \text{ (for some integer t)}\]Rearrange for t to get an approximation of t_high, then do coppersmith to solve p mod n
\[t = \frac{(p-\text{p_mod_m})}{m}\] \[\text{t_high} \approx \frac{(\text{p_high}-\text{p_mod_m})}{m}\] \[\text{p_mod_m} + t\cdot m \equiv 0 \ \ \ \ \text{ (mod p)}\]Tests:
flag = int.from_bytes(b'REDACTED')
p = random_prime(2**512)
q = random_prime(2**512)
e = random_prime(2**128)
r = random_prime(2**40)
n = p*q
c = pow(flag, e, n)
d = pow(e, -1, (p-1)*(q-1))
b = 300
d_high = (d>>b)<<b
h = int(d%r)
d_low = d - d_high
assert d_low < 2**b
assert d == d_high + d_low
# 1
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
k = (d*e-1) // phi
assert k == (d_high*e-1)//phi + 1
# 2
s = n + 1 - (d_high*e-1)//k
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(RealField(1024))
f = x^2 - s*x + n
possible_p_high = [int(i) for i, _ in f.roots()]
# 3
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(e))
f = 1 + k*(n+1-x)
S = f.roots()[0][0] # p+q mod e
# 4
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(e))
f = x^2 - S*x + n
possible_p_mod_e = [i for i, _ in f.roots()]
assert p%e in possible_p_mod_e
# 5
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(r))
f = k*x*n + k*x - x*(h*e-1) - k*x^2 - k*n
possible_p_mod_r = [i for i, _ in f.roots()]
assert p%r in possible_p_mod_r
# 6
p_mod_e = p%e # testing only
p_mod_r = p%r # testing only
m = e*r
p_mod_m = crt(p_mod_e, p_mod_r, e, r)
assert p_mod_m == p % m
# 7
t = int(p - p_mod_m)//m #testing only
def same(t_high):
# test only
count = 0
for x,y in zip(f'{t:b}', f'{t_high:b}'):
if x!=y:
return count
count += 1
for p_high in possible_p_high:
t_high = int(p_high - p_mod_m)//m
j = same(t_high)
if j<10:
PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
f = m*(t_high+x) + p_mod_m
roots = univariate(f, X=2**(len(f'{t:b}')-j), beta=0.49, m=10)
if roots == []:
p = int(f(roots[0]))
print(is_prime(p) and n%p == 0)