Cookie Lover - HackIM CTF 2022
def sign(msg : bytes):
# I will not talk about cookies.
if b'cookie' in msg:
return 0
# no control characters allowed in message
if any([c < 32 for c in msg]):
return 0
return pow(bytes_to_long(msg), key.d, key.n)
There was a signature oracle that let’s you choose a message m and returns \(m^d \ (mod \ n)\)
The same key is always used and the goal is to sign ‘I love cookies.’
We can do this by factorising m into \(k \cdot \frac{m}{k}\)
Then \(k^d \cdot (\frac{m}{k})^d \ \ (mod \ n) \ = k^d \cdot \frac{m^d}{k^{\ d}} \ \ (mod \ n) = m^d \ \ (mod \ n)\)
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from pwn import *
def read():
for i in range(4):
io = remote('', 10301)
# signature attack by factorising m
m = bytes_to_long(b'I love cookies.')
x1 = (long_to_bytes(m // 30051184098398543))
x2 = (long_to_bytes(30051184098398543))
io.sendline(b"1:" + x1)
s1 = int(io.readline().decode().replace("\n",""))
io.sendline(b"1:" + x2)
s2 = int(io.readline().decode().replace("\n",""))
# now signature of original message is s1*s2
io.sendline(b"2:" + str(s1*s2).encode() )