

This is one of my favourite challenges ever!

The description says “We have a bunch of certificates and a flag that is encrypted for one of these certificates. All RSA parameters underlying these certificates were generated by the same source.”

We then have a folder of 1000 certificates which contains 1000 RSA moduli.

Each modulus is of the form (for unknown g, M and random k’s, a’s):

\[n = (k_1 \cdot M + (g^{a_1} \text{ (mod } M \text{)})) \cdot (k_2 \cdot M + (g^{a_2} \text{ (mod } M \text{)}))\]

Reading the certs

git clone && mv ./squeamishossifrage/LUDICOLO ./LUDICOLO

There’s 2 non-unicode filenames, we’ll just rename them:

cd ./LUDICOLO/certificates && mv 'NO'$'\353''LLE.crt' 'NOELLE.crt' && mv 'DANI'$'\353''LLE.crt' 'DANIELLE.crt' && cd ..

Then we can read them:

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from os import listdir

for cert in listdir("certificates"):
    key = RSA.import_key(open(f"certificates/{cert}", "rb").read())
    print(f"{cert}\n{key.n = }\n{key.e = }\n\n")

You can observe that e = 21558488234539889837938770635971330903489839146766895224490179041465516193145582266963154883831707522081140734421052039099233464837201660281606980530249

for every cert, but e won’t be used to factor any of the moduli.

Handling unknown g and M

The code used to create the vulnerable primes is not given to us so it’s basically impossible to bruteforce what the real value of g is.

So, we’ll have to create our own new valid g.

Expanding our equation for n yields:

\[n \equiv g^{a_1 + a_2} \text{ (mod } M \text{)}\]

As such, testing whether or not the discrete log Zmod(M)(n).log(g) exists is a good way to test if the paramaters are suitable.

All the n’s are 1024 bits, so M is some primorial 0 < M < 2**512. For now let’s just set M as primorial(44) which is 257 bits,
(it’s probably bigger but meh we’re just going to use it to find a good g and then we’ll come back to M).

Now since we’ve shown n is a power of g mod M, we can choose g to be one of the n’s!

The ideal g will have the highest order mod M and pass the discrete log test for all n’s:

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from os import listdir

ns = []
for cert in listdir("certificates"):
    key = RSA.import_key(open(f"certificates/{cert}", "rb").read())

M = prod(Primes()[:44])
orders = [(Zmod(M)(g).multiplicative_order(), g) for g in ns]
g = max(orders)[1]
print(f"{g = }")

This spits out: g = 124487484906862841716197271099288982418112339712300503532811587529290282070741393095312005224387582755588498588422611085050656924777128366585922973222106128294698530803880136848394814736494132569717601758206266058059480149764779347375471688251307463397885640587176752552571821368775747843170717099871242658691

Now let’s go back to M, we’ll try increasing primorials until the discrete log test fails:

g = 124487484906862841716197271099288982418112339712300503532811587529290282070741393095312005224387582755588498588422611085050656924777128366585922973222106128294698530803880136848394814736494132569717601758206266058059480149764779347375471688251307463397885640587176752552571821368775747843170717099871242658691
i = 44
while True:
    M = prod(Primes()[:i])
        for n in ns:
            _ = Zmod(M)(n).log(g)
    i += 1

It fails on primorial(75), making me guess the author used M = primorial(74).

Optimising M’

To reduce the search space for the ROCA attack, we can choose M’ = some divisor of M.

The ideal M’ will have a small order (for a smaller searchspace to brute) but also be big enough
for coppersmith to succeed.

Additionally, a bigger lattice dimension (m) is necessary for smaller M’, but will cause
LLL to take longer to complete, so there is a tradeoff between searchspace and LLL computation time to consider.

p_size = 512
pp = 1
rs = []
for p in Primes():
    pp *= p
    if pp > 2**p_size:
    o = 1
    for n in ns:
        o = lcm(o, Mod(n, p).multiplicative_order())
    rs.append((o, p))
ps = []
for _, p in sorted(rs):
    if prod(ps) > 2**(p_size * 0.6):
M = prod(ps)
from tqdm import tqdm
import time

def coppersmith(f, X, beta=1.0, m=None):
    N = f.parent().characteristic()
    delta =
    if m is None:
        epsilon = RR(beta^2/ - log(2*X, N))
        m = max(beta**2/(delta * epsilon), 7*beta/delta).ceil()
    t = int((delta*m*(1/beta - 1)).floor())
    f = f.monic().change_ring(ZZ)
    P,(x,) = f.parent().objgens()
    g  = [x**j * N**(m-i) * f**i for i in range(m) for j in range(delta)]
    g.extend([x**i * f**m for i in range(t)]) 
    B = Matrix(ZZ, len(g), delta*m + max(delta,t))
    for i in range(B.nrows()):
        for j in range(g[i].degree()+1):
            B[i,j] = g[i][j]*X**j
    B = B.LLL()
    f = sum([ZZ(B[0,i]//X**i)*x**i for i in range(B.ncols())])
    roots = set([f.base_ring()(r) for r,m in f.roots() if abs(r) <= X])
    return [root for root in roots if N.gcd(ZZ(f(root))) >= N**beta]

def get_test_prime(p_size, M, g):
    o = Zmod(M)(g).multiplicative_order()
    k_size = p_size - M.nbits()
    a_size = o.nbits()
    while True:
        k = randint(1, 2**k_size-1)
        a = randint(1, 2**a_size-1)
        if a % o == 0:
        p = k * M + pow(g, a, M)
        if is_prime(p):
            return p, a

def roca_attack(n, g, M, m=1, a=None):
    order_M = Zmod(M)(g).multiplicative_order()
    c_prime = Zmod(M)(n).log(g)
    P.<k> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))

    if a: # cheat
        r = range(a, a+1)
        r = range(c_prime//2, (c_prime + order_M)//2)
    for a in r:
        f = k*M + int(pow(g, a, M)) 
        X = 2**(n.nbits()//2 - M.nbits() + 1)
        t_start = time.time()
        roots = coppersmith(f, X=X, beta=0.4, m=m)
        t_end = time.time()
        if roots != []:
            k = roots[0]
            p = int(f(k))
            if is_prime(p):
                return p, t_end - t_start

def primorial(n):
    M = 1
    p = 1
    for i in range(n):
        p = next_prime(p)
        M *= p
    return M

def maximal_divisor_M(M, order_M_prime, g):
    M_prime = M
    for P, e in factor(M):
        order_P = Zmod(P)(g).multiplicative_order()
        if order_M_prime % order_P != 0: 
            M_prime //= P
    return M_prime

def optimal_M_prime(M, g, p_size, ntrials=20, nn=20, reliability=0.8, t=0, m_range=range(3,8)):
    bit_threshold = p_size//2 + t
    order_M = Zmod(M)(g).multiplicative_order()
    print('search space: ', len(divisors(order_M)))
    M_primes = []
    for order_M_divisor in tqdm(reversed(divisors(order_M))):
        M_prime = maximal_divisor_M(M, order_M_divisor, g)
        if M_prime.nbits() >= bit_threshold:
            o = Zmod(M_prime)(g).multiplicative_order()
            M_primes.append((o, M_prime))
    M_primes = list(set(M_primes))

    best_time = 2**999999999 # inf
    for i in range(nn):
        M_prime = Integer(M_primes[i][1])
        o = Zmod(M_prime)(g).multiplicative_order()
        print(f'### {i} {M_prime.nbits()} {o.nbits()}')

        for m in m_range:
            success = 0
            for _ in range(ntrials):
                tst_p, tst_a = get_test_prime(p_size, M_prime, g)
                tst_q, _ = get_test_prime(p_size, M_prime, g)
                tst_n = tst_p*tst_q
                out = roca_attack(tst_n, g, M_prime, m=m, a=tst_a%o)
                if out is not None:
                    _, duration = out
                    success += 1

            if success > 0:
                apprx_time = duration * (o/2)
                print(f"{m=}: {float(success/ntrials):.1%}, approx time: {apprx_time:.2f} seconds")
                if success/ntrials >= reliability and apprx_time < best_time:
                    best_M = M_prime
                    best_m = m
                    best_time = apprx_time

    print(f"M_prime = {best_M}")
    print(f"m = {best_m}")
    return best_M, best_m

g = 124487484906862841716197271099288982418112339712300503532811587529290282070741393095312005224387582755588498588422611085050656924777128366585922973222106128294698530803880136848394814736494132569717601758206266058059480149764779347375471688251307463397885640587176752552571821368775747843170717099871242658691
M =  2562050762925653677328453030125662986159243532827792161255140060416517133784758421124051417870
optimal_M_prime(M, g, 512, nn=5, t=15)

This finds:

M_prime = 180537903712182739447634935500952314074429576908277933036643046670837592164271750889410
m = 4

Final solve script

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from os import listdir
from tqdm import tqdm

def coppersmith(f, X, beta=1.0, m=None):
    N = f.parent().characteristic()
    delta =
    if m is None:
        epsilon = RR(beta^2/ - log(2*X, N))
        m = max(beta**2/(delta * epsilon), 7*beta/delta).ceil()
    t = int((delta*m*(1/beta - 1)).floor())
    f = f.monic().change_ring(ZZ)
    P,(x,) = f.parent().objgens()
    g  = [x**j * N**(m-i) * f**i for i in range(m) for j in range(delta)]
    g.extend([x**i * f**m for i in range(t)]) 
    B = Matrix(ZZ, len(g), delta*m + max(delta,t))
    for i in range(B.nrows()):
        for j in range(g[i].degree()+1):
            B[i,j] = g[i][j]*X**j
    B = B.LLL()
    f = sum([ZZ(B[0,i]//X**i)*x**i for i in range(B.ncols())])
    roots = set([f.base_ring()(r) for r,m in f.roots() if abs(r) <= X])
    return [root for root in roots if N.gcd(ZZ(f(root))) >= N**beta]

def roca_attack(n, g, M, m=1):
    order_M = Zmod(M)(g).multiplicative_order()
    c_prime = Zmod(M)(n).log(g)
    P.<k> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))

    for a in range(c_prime//2, (c_prime + order_M)//2):
        f = k*M + int(pow(g, a, M)) 
        X = 2**(n.nbits()//2 - M.nbits() + 1)
        roots = coppersmith(f, X=X, beta=0.4, m=m)
        if roots != []:
            k = roots[0]
            p = int(f(k))
            if is_prime(p):
                return p, n//p

def decrypt(d, n):
    enc_key = 0x63cd3cc036a3059eaba99faa4d295c1ad826f018c62d405c19c6149e826f7a1ba488534a52fa0647427d67efdbe1620fa13729d584bd193715b88c5013b1c8df084b16fad33b3a60f1c946228d27fa0260a06dcf8d032d7d92acea43e897f37df7cc917b30ad37c2de49edb1ce40ecb7f435db4dbad20671b9c6465a1cdbfd43
    enc_data = bytes.fromhex("379fb5383b1c35c774a45b13148cc7cea90f27e78150540be8a292024e5cec2cd0ebd7bfe92c9c452402777297d155fb")
    iv = bytes.fromhex("b789660c2ba7f7d7b77fa480a7a70bf6")
    key = bytes.fromhex(hex(pow(enc_key, d, n))[-64:])
    cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)  

def main():
    g = 124487484906862841716197271099288982418112339712300503532811587529290282070741393095312005224387582755588498588422611085050656924777128366585922973222106128294698530803880136848394814736494132569717601758206266058059480149764779347375471688251307463397885640587176752552571821368775747843170717099871242658691
    M_prime = 180537903712182739447634935500952314074429576908277933036643046670837592164271750889410
    for cert in tqdm(listdir("certificates")):
        if cert != "LUC.crt":
        key = RSA.import_key(open(f"certificates/{cert}", "rb").read())
        n = Integer(key.n)
        e = key.e
        f = roca_attack(n, g, M_prime, m=4)
        if f is not None:
            p, q = f
            d = pow(e, -1, (p-1)*(q-1))
            decrypt(d, n)

if __name__ == "__main__":